The Line is Born
Translating the Lines
Parvaneh Farid
University of Winchester
11th February 2012
“I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know...” –Baha’u’llah
Nothingness: Once upon a timeless time there was nothing but nothingness and nothing existed but nothingness. That nothingness was called space or phenomenon (A).
Creation of Phenomenon (B): In no time after, phenomenon (B) came to existence. Phenomenon (B) had no dimensions, but yet it had to push the edges of nothingness inwards to create some space for its dimension-less body in order to pronounce its being. At this point of no-time (B) could not move or even turn around itself, because there was nothing there to move towards or away from, and could not even turn around itself due to not having any dimensions itself. (B), therefore, had no choice but remaining stationary within the space (A) and movement could not yet be realised.
Creation of Identity; Ubuntu (I am because you are)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPDI_ScFRbw :
Then phenomenon (C) was born, also with no dimensions. Birth of (C) was good news for (B), because (B) could, then, position itself against (C) and measure up its distance from it within the space (A). That way (B) established some identity for itself.
Creation of Place: Having identity, provided (B) with a sense of belonging and placement/position within the space (A). The placement which is an essential criterion for movements was then provided.
Creation of Movement: Then (B) could change its position within the space against phenomenon (C). However, this movement could have only been performed in a straight line, because there was nothing in space which could have been used as an anchor point for (B)’s movement towards (C).
Performance of the Line: (B)’s movement was a performance, and this performance could be called the performance of the line. This line was only an invisible trace which was left behind by (B) as it was changing its position/placement against (C). The identity of this invisible line was defined by the distance between (B) and (C) only and it had no other dimension but a single length.
The Concept of the Canvas of Memory: The trace of the performance of this invisible line could have been memorised by the book of no-time-history or “the canvas of memory” or it could have been registered/memorised in form of a hard copy by the means of some form of technology; for example pen and paper.
Creation of phenomenon (D): Then phenomenon (D) was born also without any dimensions. That was yet another good news for phenomenon (B), because not only (B) could then move towards or away from (C) in a straight line, it was also given the chance of moving in a zigzag or curved manner, using phenomenon (D) as an anchor point. Hence, as result of the creation of phenomenon (D) another layer of identity was established for phenomenon (B) within the space. These zigzag or curved invisible lines, however, could only be register on a flat surface, because these three phenomena (B), (C) and (D), could be only positioned on a flat surface, no matter how they were arranged or rearranged.
Creation of phenomenon (E): As result of the birth of yet another phenomenon; (E) another layer of identity was provided to phenomenon (B). This time phenomenon (B) not only could have moved in zigzag or curved form on a flat surface, it could also move freely across the space in three dimensions; leaving an invisible global path behind, using phenomenon (E) as its second anchor point.
The Concept of Time: I can only understand the concept of time when two phenomena change their positions/move against a third one, having different speed of action. In other words I could only understand time within the context of relativity of speed of two moving phenomena, at present understanding of mine.
The Concept of Events: Having different speeds makes the concepts of events understood to me; that is when, due to having a faster speed, one phenomenon reaches a target point before another.
The Concept of Motivation: what makes phenomenon (B) move or change position brings the concept of motivation to my mind. Whether phenomenon (B) is motivated externally or internally, I do not have any comprehension for, at my present level of understanding, and is not relevant to this practice as researched at this point of time.
The gravity/Law of Attraction: I am not including the concept of gravity/law of attraction between the phenomena in this situation as yet.
Conclusion: the concepts of nothingness, somethingness, identity, attraction, motivation, place, movement, the line, time, memory and events appear inter-linked to me. Something is born within nothingness, establishes its identity once another phenomenon is born there. The first born phenomenon is motivated/attracted to the second phenomenon and its movement/changing placement towards that becomes a performance/event. The distance from a second phenomenon provides the first phenomenon with its first layer of identity which is related to the concept of place. The performance of the movements across the place registeres its paths on the canvas of memory in form of some invisible lines. The performance of the invisible lines is only regulated by time once at least a third phenomenon is present and two of them are motivated to perform movement towards a third one, but with different speeds.
Making: As explained before to my understanding the lines are all invisible traces of the movements of at least one phenomenon as oppose to another, which are registered on the canvas of the memory of time. To make these invisible lines visible, we need to employ some form of technology which helps us to register the trace of these visible lines on some form of hardcopy.
Here I employ the technology of photography in order to make the invisible lines of the movements/performance of the phenomenon of the light visible and registere on the canvas of the memory of the camera. The light is produced by glowsticks/chemical candles and the movement is motivated by my hands in space of my room. Then I take the taken photographs into computer and stylise them using IT technology; Photoshop software. I shall then demonstrate the result in printed form, on weblogs and in form of video clips on You-Tube and so on.