Saturday 28 March 2009

*Vol.1, Ch.II, Methodology: "Practice as Research"

“Spiral method of Planning, Making & Reflection” (Trimingham, 2000)

Usually a thought or a feeling comes my way as a theme (Reflection) -box:E1&D- and tells me how it wants to be processed and expressed -box:C,B2,C1,C4,C5&E2-. The phenomenon of that theme goes through a process of simplification (Planning) -box:C3-, from which I can identify the “Invisible Lines” which form its foundation (thesis) -box:C2-. The simplification process in my work often takes place intuitively - in such a way that my conscious mind is, sometimes, not even aware of -box:D&D1-. These “Invisible Lines” are then internalised (Reflection) -box:B2&C1- and through the filter of my personality and cultural identity learn to “Move” -box:C--box:C3- and become a set of “Stylised Invisible Lines” (antithesis) -box:C1&B3-.

From here a suitable medium is suggested by the process -box:C5&C6-, and it allows an art form to evolve -box:C5- on the basis of these “Stylised Invisible Lines” and produce a new piece of artwork (Making) -box:C5&E2-. This process together with its outcome is then reflected on. The reflection indicates any required adjustments and also it provokes further ideas for future work, and the whole process repeats itself spirally -box:E2&A-.

The repetition of this process refines the essence of the theme further and further -box:E1,E2&A-. It also brings about new questions and challenges -box:D-, which are very much valued. In fact the new questions, to me, are the sign of the success of a project, because new questions always provoke creativity whereas the answers would conclude the progress -box:D-, -spiral process of the map which is demonstrated by the links and boxes- . As Rumi says:

(Rumi 1976)آب کم جوی، تشنگی آور بدست “Do not search for water, but for thirst”

This sums up the trace of my journey from an idea to a final product; this sits within my chosen general methodology "Practice as Research” (Trimingham, 2000) and is an in-depth exploration of the spiral method often suggested in this methodology.

In my scholarly overview I wrote that Simplification is the basis of my project -box:C2&C3-. The process of ‘Being’ is intrinsically bound up with line creation -box:A&C4-. In my project, I examine how the moving lines of a human being’s existence form the basis of Art-making -box:C…C5-. I am searching for the fundamental basis of human art-making which I see as Invisible lines created by the process of being and becoming -box:A,B,D&C-. This explains why, in any given phenomenon, I search for those “Invisible Lines” -box:C2- which are part of the process of simplification -box:C3- as I have explored in the scholarly overview and earlier in this section. The rest of this writing will explore the process I have used to reveal the Invisible Lines and embed them in more complex artistic phenomena -box:D-.

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